Our Mission

To perpetuate the tradition and customary practices of kanaka maoli of these Hawai’i Islands and promote opportunities to regain the spiritual connection of malama ‘āina of our ancestors by ensuring these beliefs and customs are passed down to future generations. 

To foster in longevity an intuitive comprehension of cultural and environmental connectivity through the  educational practice of activities that honor Hawai’i's heritage and will strengthen the community for  generations to come.

The Reorganized Olowalu Cultural Reserve (dba Kipuka Olowalu), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Our Values

Kipuka Olowalu is a growing organization guided by the following values:

Kupono: Honesty. Ku is to stand upright and Pono is righteous.

Malama: To take care of properly; to nurture. Lama is the light, the generation of life.

Kokua: To help without expectation of reciprocation. Ko is the sound of infinity, a whistle into eternity. Kua is the backbone; to stand upright.

Aloha: Love and Compassion; which becomes automatic after learning the processes of Kupono, Malama, and Kokua.